Sunday, January 9, 2011


This last Christmas I had the opportunity to fly out to Florida and visit my sister, Kimberly, and her family. I caught the red eye after my last final and arrived in Orlando around 11:00 the next morning and stayed for about a week. These are some pictures, mostly borrowed from Kimberly, of my trip out there.

It was nice to see Charles and Aerie again. Charles warmed up really quickly and pulled out a book to read as soon as we got home.

We went out to eat at Panera. My sister told me that they sold wonderful lemonade, so I got some. Apparently Charles thinks it's pretty wonderful too.

We tried to go to a boat parade, but it was postponed a day due to rainy weather. This lone boat came around to announce the delay. The next day we went back, but all of the boats turned around before reaching our end of the canal. Well, not all the boats, the same boat that came the night before managed to make it down to us.

Aerie helped me make gingersnaps.

We went on a wilderness drive and saw some neat birds.

We also saw an big alligator. A bobcat ran out in front of the van as well, but we didn't get a picture of it.

Aerie and Charles love dancing. Here they are spinning in a circle together while Aerie sings "Baby" by Justin Bieber.

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