Sunday, January 23, 2011


So, I'm kind of proud of myself right now. Yesterday I was watching "Secrets of a Restaurant Chef" and the host, Anne Burrell, was making risotto. Well, I decided that I'd try making my own risotto. I found a recipe online (on the Food Network website, of course) for lemon risotto. I think it turned out pretty well. I realized after finishing it though, that I had forgotten an ingredient or two, so it can still be improved. Also, I didn't have the right kind of rice and I didn't want to buy more rice just to make it, so I tried using my plain old long grain rice that I already had on hand. It worked okay, but it didn't get as creamy as it would have with the right kind of rice. I definitely think that I could do a better job in the future.

Anyway, I'm happy to say that for dinner today I made myself Garlic Balsamic Chicken with Lemon Risotto. There's a picture below. The plating isn't wonderful (slicing the chicken and adding a little bit of garnish would have made it look much better), but you have to remember that this is just me living in a college apartment making dinner for myself. If I was making this and trying to impress a girl with it, I definitely would have fancied it up a bit.

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