Saturday, May 8, 2010

It's Feeling More Like Summer

Okay, so, I realize that technically it's still spring, but everyone knows that "summer" actually starts as soon as school gets out. Anyway, it's starting to feel a bit more like summer this week. This is partly due to the weather (which really has only been nice today) and how I've been able to spend some of my time.

I mentioned in a previous post that I've been wanting to get more active. I've succeeded somewhat at that this week. I was able to go play racquetball with one of my roommates earlier in the week. That felt great, even though he beat me. The only problem was that I hadn't played since September. I'm pretty sure that this is the reason behind me successfully getting charlie horses in both my legs simultaneously after the first game when I jumped up to grab the loose ball. I landed and felt both calf muscles seize up. Luckily, my left leg eased up pretty quickly, so I was able to hobble over to the wall and sit down.

Today we played softball. It was supposed to be a friendly game between the two Elders quorums in my ward. However, my quorum was the only one to provide enough players to make a team. Luckily, there were some other guys at the field when we got there, so we played with them and had the few guys from the other quorum be on their team. Anyway, weather was great (sunny, not too hot) and it was really fun. Also, I have to brag a little bit here say that, with two outs in the final inning, I hit a walk-off single to bring in the winning run. That felt pretty good.

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