Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I'll Have Something Soon

So, I need to apologize for not posting anything on here in a while. Things have just been kind of crazy the last couple of weeks with a project, midterm, crazy homework assignments and trying to prepare for my qualifier exams that start tomorrow and finish on Saturday. I guess I can let you know that my ear is feeling better now. Just over a week ago I was sitting in church and my ear popped all of a sudden and I could hear again. It was amazing. I turned to tell the people sitting next to me and they just laughed at me.

Anyway, I need to get going and study some more. I'll have something more interesting up here soon.


  1. Good luck on your qualifier! I'm sure you will do a great job!

    Do you remember the Christmas that Charles barricaded himself into Mom and Dad's basement to study for his? He was also growing a "qualifier beard," to be shaved only when he found out he'd passed.

    I'm glad you can hear again, and that your ear is doing better. That must be a relief!

  2. My ear did the same thing after I was told I'd have permanent hearing loss from my ear infection, and I too rejoiced mightily.

    Good luck on the exams. I'm sure you'll be top of the class as usual, and then you can blog about the hockey game!

    Kimberly, is Charles growing a qualifier beard in honour of Robert?
