Thursday, December 14, 2017

Books in 2016

Almost a year late, here's my list for 2016. I was surprised to see it shorter like this. I didn't keep the list throughout the year, so it's possible that I've missed something, but I likely just didn't read as much last year.

1. Crimson Shore - Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child
2. Shadow of the Hegemon - Orson Scott Card
3. Ready Player One - Ernest Cline
4. Shadow Puppets - Orson Scott Card
5. Deathwatch - Robb White
6. Shadow of the Giant - Orson Scott Card
7. Beyond the Ice Limit - Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child
8. The Drawing of the Three - Stephen King

These books were all enjoyable, but if I had to recommend one, it would be Ready Player One. It was an extremely fun and exciting book to read, and it was fun following all the pop culture references and seeing how the puzzles unfolded. I'm not sure how I feel about the movie from the trailers I've seen, but I hope it's good.

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