Monday, June 28, 2010


So, it's been nearly a month since my last post. It's been 10 days since my sister demanded on Facebook that I update my blog. Seriously, she said "I demand you update your blog." So, I guess it's about time I do.

So, what's been happening in my life? Well, I need to think about that a bit. I'm done with classes until the fall. I was taking one class during the spring term (Coal Combustion) and finished it quite successfully. According to the grade list that my professor posted online, I had the highest final grade in the class. I don't think that's ever happened to me since I came to BYU. Of course, there were only 13 students in the class, and half of them were up at the UofU taking the class via Skype, but it still feels good.

So, I mentioned a while back that I was going to try to be more active. I think I've done better over the last month than I did the previous eight months, but it still wasn't impressive. There was one week when I either went running or played racquetball or something similar 4 days of the week. That was great. That was the same week that I discovered Fatman Ironman. Reading his blog actually motivates me quite a bit. And I think he's funny. I particularly like when he writes about his experiences with Nemesis Hot Blonde Girl.

Anyway, I decided last week that I needed to get serious again, so I started up a regular workout again. I used to drive up to Orem and lift weights and run 2-3 times a week. I kept this up for over a year, until last fall. I started doing this again on Saturday. It felt great at the time, but my arms have been yelling at me for the last couple of days, reminding me that I hadn't lifted since August. Oh well, they'll get better.

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